Before my holiday in Germany, I hinted at an incoming big change, and now it’s official: I lowered the cost of my coaching services by over 30%.

In these challenging times, with rising costs and layoffs disproportionately affecting our community of women in tech, I felt it was important to make my coaching more accessible. Here’s why I made this decision:

Market Realities:

Women in tech have been hit hardest by recent layoffs: women have been impacted up to 65% more than men, despite making up less than 30% of the global tech workforce. The job search for experienced women in tech now requires between six to nine on average, the longest timeline since 2009. Additionally, women now appear to be even more likely to be targeted for PIPs and low performance evaluations, reducing their opportunities for raises, bonuses, and promotions.

Given these realities, it’s only fair to adjust my pricing to better support you.

Business Values:

I believe that success is best when shared. Extreme profit margins and unchecked capitalism don’t align with my vision of a healthy, balanced economy. Having built my career in Europe, I’ve experienced a corporate culture with fairer pay, greater shared profits, and better access to benefits. This balanced approach to business is something I bring into my coaching practice.

In the past six months, my business has benefited from the decrease in tech and support costs as well as the beneficial shifts in Colorado laws, insurance, etc. It is only right to pass those savings on to you.

New Pricing Specifics:

The Build Your Brave Career Coaching package includes:

  • 18, private hour sessions for detailed, bespoke coaching, guidance and consulting
  • Unlimited email and private audio message support through the Brave Career space on the private, secured platform
  • Monthly (at least) Brave Career group calls with other past and current clients for networking, open exchange, or teaching and guest speakers for specific skill building
  • Community support and exchange through the Brave Career space with past and current clients
  • On-Demand access to the Build Your Brave Framework recorded sessions, live webinars, and all workbooks

You can learn more here.

Get the Support You Need:

If you are facing a difficult period in your career, or if you are ready to stress less so that you enjoy your career, please schedule a consultation with me. 

During your consultation, we will explore if and how working together could make sense for your situation and goals. No matter what, you’ll leave the meeting with greater insight and a few ways to address your situation.

Here are two podcast episodes that can help you know if coaching is a good option for you:



You can enjoy being a woman in tech.

You can stress less, work less, earn more money.

I can help. Schedule your consult.