Today I am celebrating 5 years of being in business! Less than 50% of US-based small companies reach their five-year anniversary, so this milestone is significant.

I just published a bonus episode on Build Your Brave Career to celebrate and share a very special offer with you

TL;DR: If you complete the exercise below and share it with me over email by August 23, 2024, I’ll reward you with a 10% coupon on the coaching package of your choice to be used by August 30, 2024.

On the podcast I share specific celebrations, failures, and personal growth from my first five years of business and a special, limited-time offer.

Business highlights and celebrations, including:

Business failures and struggles, including:

  • more than 10 failed coaching offers
  • more than 50 rejected consulting proposals
  • more than 250 potential coaching clients who said “no”
  • at least 5 podcast interviews that never published, particularly when I spoke about human rights, trans rights, and corporate greed
  • one consulting engagement that I cut short because it included toxic management behavior, nationalism, and short-term decision making that legally exposed their clients
  • two ‘business coaches’ who oversold, failed to show up, didn’t understand what they were attempting to teach and guide, and then attempted to blame me for their gaps in skills and knowledge (I got a refund only from one)

Personal growth and experiences, including:

  • being an entrepreneur throughout my 40s…my youngest doesn’t remember me as a full-time employee
  • navigating one unexpected and scary hospitalization for each of my three core family members
  • entering perimenopause, thinking I was losing my mind while also dealing with bizarre body pains, but also refusing to be gaslight or ignored by doctors until I found a nurse practitioner who believes me to then discover the absolute miracle of personalized HRT
  • selling one house to buy another and now I live in an area of great beauty, sidewalks, and community that I couldn’t have imagined for myself even five years ago
  • releasing more friendships, peacefully and with honest expression, than I’ve created and nurtured as I’ve grown and up-leveled what I accept and expect as support and communication
  • healing and growing as a human and parent in ways that remain difficult for me to describe or explain in a bullet point

In short, as I reflect on the past five years, I see how I am genuinely a better version of myself. I like myself more. I appreciate my body, brain, and soul even more. I am proud of my business, the impact I’ve created, the women and companies I’ve worked with, and I want more.

I want to grow my clarity, my momentum, and my accountability even more in the next five years. In short, I want to continue to build my own brave as I support women in tech like you to become braver so that you stress less, then work less, and finally begin to earn more.

This week I encourage you to take some time and reflect on your last five years, personally and professionally. Answer each of these questions:

  1. what do you celebrate from the last five years in your career? (in other words, what went well?)
  2. how did you struggle and fail in the last five years? (in other words, what didn’t go well?)
  3. how did you grow as a person in the last five years? (in other words, who did you become?)

!!!Special Offer!!!

When you complete the exercise above and share it with me by email by August 23, 2024, I’ll reward you with a 10% coupon on the coaching package of your choice to be used by August 30, 2024.

Click here to get the details about my coaching offers. Then hit reply with your exercise results.

Thank you for joining me as I celebrate five years of business! Thank you for reading and answering these emails, connecting with me at events and online, listening to these podcast episodes, and trusting me to be your career partner.


Related Podcast Episodes: 

Popular Questions & Answers 

Q: Does the 10% count for any coaching package?
Q: Is the 10% available for new and returning clients?
New clients can choose from three public coaching offerings. Learn about them here.
Returning clients have access to additional offers, including a monthly subscription.
Q: Are there additional terms or conditions for the 10% rebate?
Q: Can I prepay to use the 10% rebate but start/schedule in Q4?
New clients often prepay to hold their spot, schedule their sessions, and clear their calendar for the sessions. Most of my clients have full schedules and need lead time. All good!  
Q: Why do I need to do the exercise to get the 10% rebate? 
Great question. Coaching is always a reflective exercise. Brave coaching requires you to take the time and build your ability to reflect, evaluate, consider, and then act without the shame or blame. Completing this exercise starts you on a great pathway. 
And, when you are my client, evaluations will become a skill you use in all areas of your career, lowering your stress, stopping overwork, and leading you towards greater income. 
Where can I find information about your client results?
If you have additional questions, please comment below! 

You can enjoy being a woman in tech.

You can stress less, work less, earn more money.

I can help. Schedule your consult.