Today we dive into the question that many of us find ourselves asking at one point or another: “Really, is this it?” 

First, I explore the feelings of dissatisfaction after reaching a career goal and the desire for more. Then, I share examples from my own career and life as well as the experiences of my clients and friends, from career advancements to home ownership, each starting with the initial excitement and accomplishment and then eventually followed by a sense of questioning: Is there more? Should there be more?

Throughout the episode, I emphasize the importance of celebrating your past achievements while also recognizing your innate desire for growth and change. I encourage listeners to embrace the idea of setting new goals and dreams, ones that are braver and truer to who we are becoming.

If you’ve ever wondered if there’s more to life or have found yourself questioning the path you’re on, this episode is a must-listen.

Use these simple set of questions to make sure you allow yourself time and energy to evaluate, then design, and finally reach your new goals:

·       What is enough?

·       What is not enough?

·       What do I enjoy?

·       Who do I wish to become?

·       How do I want to accomplish this next goal?

Part of being brave is rejecting the concept of an acceptable level of consistent dissatisfaction. This episode will help you do just that. 


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If you are an established woman in tech who is creating results and making an impact at work so your workload and stress just keep growing but promotions and salary bumps remain a distant dream, it is time for change. 

Listen, we all know the tech industry has dramatically changed. It’s time your career approach did too. 

You don’t need cookie-cutter programs or dusty advice from outdated playbooks, because what works for tech bros, won’t work for you. You need individualized, bespoke support to build your brave career. One that reflects who you are as a woman in tech. 

I invite you to explore career coaching with me. Get all the details, including prices and client results, at

You can stress less, work less, and earn more. You’ve already earned it. Let’s make it happen.