We don’t talk enough about a beautiful, brave truth about growth: you will grow out of everything you love in your life and career right now.

You will outgrow that job. That living space. That community. That relationship. That hobby. You will outgrow everything. Especially when you are building your brave, you will ever more quickly outgrow who you are and what you do, no matter how much you love it at this moment.

Since we don’t talk about this enough — especially when it comes to career growth, in stepping into leadership, and thriving in STEM industries — it makes sense that you get stuck, repeating your own indoctrination:

  • “Be happy with what you have”,
  • “But this is what you wanted!”
  • (the worst!) “Who am I to want more?”

…. But getting more unhappy and stagnant with each breath. 

I struggle with growing out of life and career phases that I actually love. At the start of 2023 I had a life lesson in this. Thankfully, a recent conversation with someone who has known me for over two decades broke open my struggle and allowed me to leap into clarity. I share the wisdom from that conversation with you. 

Please know: not only is it okay to outgrow what you loved and yearned for before, but that growth is something to celebrate. Listen for more. 


Resources mentioned in this episode:

If you are not on my email list, you are missing some really powerful, live, interactive webinar opportunities. Get on the list here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63b95b9237a7fb86b1f98f71


What to expect from April’s live webinar, “Solve the interview conundrums: Interview to Outcome Framework”: 

  • Date: April 21 
  • Time: 11 am MT 


The Interview to Outcome framework switches your complete experience in the interviewing process. You show up with expert, senior energy and engage in conversation that is more effective and empowered so that you get clear, get an authentic offer, and grow in your career. Register here https://view.flodesk.com/pages/642bee8f0997b8774b15521b 

Here’s what I’ve covered so far in the webinars so far:

  •  February: How to feel your feels (It was very powerful and I’m STILL getting feedback on it)
  • March: Deep dive into interest interviews.  To learn why they matter, and how to do them. (This has allowed SO many people to build their network in a powerful, supportive way) 


I’m doing these Live Webinars monthly until at least December 2023. Join these to access direct coaching with me as you learn these frameworks that help my clients stress a lot less, work less and so that they can live and earn more work.


For more information on how you can build your brave:







If you are an established woman in tech who is creating results and making an impact at work so your workload and stress just keep growing but promotions and salary bumps remain a distant dream, it is time for change. 

Listen, we all know the tech industry has dramatically changed. It’s time your career approach did too. 

You don’t need cookie-cutter programs or dusty advice from outdated playbooks, because what works for tech bros, won’t work for you. You need individualized, bespoke support to build your brave career. One that reflects who you are as a woman in tech. 

I invite you to explore career coaching with me. Get all the details, including prices and client results, at TrickSteinbach.com.

You can stress less, work less, and earn more. You’ve already earned it. Let’s make it happen.