by Nicole Trick Steinbach
Make Networking Less Sucky: Tailor Your Approach to Your Personality E175 Listener Question: How do I stay motivated when it’s been months since I was laid off and I’ve not gotten a single offer? How do I remember that I’m really good at my job when...
by Nicole Trick Steinbach
Experience how Bravery is a Career Skill with award-winning Alicia Couri on her online-TV show, “Unleash Your Audacious Confidence.” I walked through the Build Your Brave Career framework: 1. Clarity 2. Momentum 3. Accountability We also talked about Alicia’s...
by Nicole Trick Steinbach
Navigating a Difficult Job Market: Strategies for Maintaining Motivation and Confidence E174 Listener Question: How do I stay motivated when it’s been months since I was laid off and I’ve not gotten a single offer? How do I remember that I’m really...
by Nicole Trick Steinbach
Dr. Michelle Mazur welcomed me onto her podcast, Make Marketing Suck Less, which is in the top 1.5% of global podcasts (as of August 2024). This podcast is about me as a business owner. Michelle and I discussed how bravery has been key to failure and success, and...
by Nicole Trick Steinbach
Rethinking Grit: Embracing the Quit for Career Success from ‘Girl, Take the Lead’ (Part 2 of 2) I returned to Yo Canny’s podcast Girl, Take the Lead to discuss the book Quit, The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away, by Annie Duke. Yo and I covered a lot of...