I recommend the 2% shift: the concept that small, incremental changes over the longer term leads to massive transformation without burning yourself out.
I practice the 2% shift in my own business and my own life. I allow myself time to identify the core issue or opportunity, reflect and explore potential approaches, and then gently experiment to learn and grow. Finally, I made ever bolder decisions and take ever bigger action. I encourage my clients to design their own version of 2%.
Let’s be real, I do more than recommend or practice, I love the 2% shift. It is brave to focus on long-term transformation in a world obsessed with “overnight” success and impact…especially as a woman in tech, rooted in and around the tech industry.
But, there is one major place that the 2% concept has no place: dreams and visions.
Dreams are your place to go big. Then bigger. Then ever bigger.
Let me give you an example:
  • Perhaps your goal is to stress less. Use the 2% to reach your goal.
  • Then your dream may be a brave career that inspires you, stretches you, builds skills, working with supportive leadership, and pays you a lot. So that the bulk of your energy is invested in relationships, skills, and experiences that create your beautiful life as well as your unique legacy. For this you must leap into the future, beyond what you currently believe is possible, stepping into a person you’ve never been before.

An episode of the Build Your Brave Career podcast addresses this tension through a guest’s story. 

The guest, Sita Lakshmi, is a developer relations expert. In this episode, she shares her wisdom on embracing resilience, the power of self-definition, and the importance of staying curious.
We also dive into what developer relations really is, why it matters, and how Sita followed her curiosity to grow her career. Listen particularly to how she doesn’t wait for things to get bad before she continues to grow. 
We also discuss the beautiful balance of “too small” goals and maintaining work-life balance. Then we delve into the significance of creating a supportive community of women and the need for true change in representation and inclusivity.
Comment below: When helps you balance the incremental, daily shifts with the big dreams?

You can enjoy being a woman in tech.

You can stress less, work less, earn more money.

I can help. Schedule your consult.