Eagle eyes noticed that I extended my VIP BRAVE Coaching Package to six months. And, reasonably, asked the question:


In one sentence: because my clients deserve transformation beyond their wildest ideas

Their behavior and feedback tells me — because 2020 and 2021 — the transformation they deserve requires more commitment.

The data speaks clearly that my clients increase their money and impact; deepened their relationships and opportunities; and shift how they think and feel about themselves so that they BECOME who they want to be.

You deserve that and more. I am deeply, fully committed to make sure that you not only get it while working with me and keep getting it throughout your entire life.

Look, we all know that 2020 was a global movement of upheaval and shift. Personally, professionally, emotionally, priorities, relationships, health, ALL THE WAYS.

2020 and into 2021 may have been overall good for you (like it was for me), or more good than not, like for many others. Or 2020 or the start of 2021 may have been utter crap.

No matter what your lived experience has been, CHANGE has been enormous and the drain, exhaustion, exhilaration, search, confusion, growth is FREAKING real.

Freaking real.

So when you and I work together, I know now that we are working in our next context. I see how you need to commit even more to yourself, with love, and I need to embrace the transformation with you.

Time to exhale.

To reflect.

To consider.

To rest.

To evaluate.

To think.

To unthink.

To feel.

To try.

To fail.

To Succeed.

To learn.

To un-learn.

To believe in, BE IN, and live in the new version of YOU.

I get it. Cause, y’all, me too.

2020 way more positive for me than any other year I can remember: My business is growing beautifully. My podcast is exploding. My parenting is blossoming. My marriage is deepening. My friendships are expanding. I see and feel more opportunities than anything else.

Most importantly: My self-compassion, self-love, and self-belief is flourishing like I don’t even know how to describe it.


Yes, while all that is true, I’m still tried and tired more often because I’m human and this all has been a lot of all.

So, since I am in full service for you, my offer is bigger, longer, and deeper.

That’s the why: 

Because you deserve it.

Ready for a life you love & the career of your dreams?

You can have a life you love and the career of your dreams. 

Tech needs professionals like you who are making tech more inclusive just by being you in your expertise. 

I can help. Schedule your consult to learn how.