You Don’t Have to Wait

You Don’t Have to Wait

You don’t need to see someone else with your goal so that you can believe your goal is real for you.  You can choose right now to believe in you and your goal and believe it all the way into your results.  In this Celebrate BRAVE episode, Marcae...
Good News! You are Your Own Prince Charming

Good News! You are Your Own Prince Charming

Too many women are acting like the professional version of sleeping beauty, waiting for the professional knight in shining armor or the prince charming to swoop in for their career. It is an enormous mistake. They end up with a career that they don’t like,...
Your Cheat Code to Achieve Your Goals in 2022

Your Cheat Code to Achieve Your Goals in 2022

I adore meeting new people. I’ve found as many opportunities to meet new people, especially in this pandemic. Of course, each time new people meet, we inevitably end up talking about our professions. When I share that I am a coach, similar questions come up every...
KickStart 2022 – Who Do You Want To BE?

KickStart 2022 – Who Do You Want To BE?

Happy First Day of 2022!   My original plan was to reach out yesterday, the last day of 2021, to share who will benefit from my first ever, free and open offer to KickStart 2022 with my 5-day Build Your BRAVE course.   But after watching over 1000 families just 20...