When the email arrived and announced this great news, I was surprised and excited!
There are so many people to thank:
  • me for having the audacity to start a podcast and keep going while messing up and learning in a somewhat public way
  • my guests for sharing their brave stories, insights, role models with us, being vulnerable and wise
  • my podcast managers and coaches for formatting, editing, and gifting me improvement feedback
  • YOU – the community who listens, gives feedbacks, requests topics, suggests guests, and share Celebrate Brave with your colleagues, friends, and communities.
Thank you! Thank YOU! THANK YOU!

I want to hear from you to ensure I continue creating episodes that support your career growth: comment below with your questions, topic suggestions, and guests. 

You can enjoy being a woman in tech.

You can stress less, work less, earn more money.

I can help. Schedule your consult.