Each day during Grace Hopper Celebration 2021, I will send out a personal email. Below is the content of Day 2. Subscribe below to get these delivered directly to your inbox.

Or, better yet, sign up for my 5 day Build Your BRAVE intensive to turn the inspiration of #vGHC2021 into real-world impact.

One word came out strong and clear in every session I attended today, #vGHC2021, day four: belief. 
Do you believe in yourself? Do you know how worthy you are? 
Do you know how you are going to be clear and move forward? 
If you aren’t sure, I can help. Sign up for my free, 5-day intensive

I got a big surprise!

See me in two different parts of this incredible video! 

What I attended

On Demand & Speaker Corner: HomeStudio: An Applied Research Journey Within the Home Visualization Space
There is some awesome tech in this session and insight into the future of shopping. But it was the passion of Nicole Tan for presenting the tech and why it matters. We all want to have passion and motivation about our careers and seeing Nicole role model it was a strong reminder that it IS possible.
In Their Own Words: Female Technologists on How Women Make it to the Top in Tech
The data is clear, the way forward is also clear. Be clear about your ambition and share it with your community. Ask for what you need and want. Support others. Move companies. 
On Demand & Speaker Corner: How to Make Feedback Your Superpower
How women receive feedback limits our growth and we have to change that: get it more specific, more consistent, more functional (than personality driven). I ordered Therese Huston’s book: Let’s Talk.
Live Desk & Keynote: Ambassador Susan Rice
Laws only make a difference if they actually reach the people who need what the law is designed to create, protect, or renew. Automation saves money and empowers real people. Modern government needs modern skills, government works best when it reflect the people it serves.  need younger, female staff.
Two cents: AnitaB.org is global and I hope more attention will be paid to globalizing the language & speakers in the next rounds. Not every calls the US “my country”. 

My Biggest A-Ha

I consciously made an effort today to focus on live, zoom-based sessions today. And I saw a clear trend that really concerns me and makes me even more committed to being a part of the AnitaB membership.
Every room I was in was filled with educated, experienced, qualified, and worthy women in tech.
Women who have resumes that blind. Women who have the potential of leagues. Women who stand on the shoulders of generations of ancestors who are cheering them on.
And you don’t see it.
You are looking everywhere but within to uncover answers to questions that don’t matter and ignoring the ones that are really causing you pain.
You are asking:
  • “How do I find a mentor?”
  • “How do I ask for a raise?”
  • “How do I get a promotion?”
  • “How do I get the okay to get certified?”
  • “Is it really okay to reach out?”
Look, those questions have value. They do.
But they aren’t why you are stressed, undervalued, underpaid, bored, and wondering why you’re getting passed out.
Because under almost every one of these questions was the actual question:
“Am I good enough?”
I can tell you that you are.
Look at all those results you’ve created. Check out that boot camp certificate, that university degree, those projects, all those skills.
You are good enough.
But it doesn’t matter if I tell you that. Or if 15 other speakers with impressive titles tell you the same thing.
Because you don’t believe it.
Damnit, you deserve that raise, that promotion, that work that fills you, that mentor and sponsoring, that happiness.
You are the only person that can create your clarity, belief, confidence.
Stop looking at others to answer HOW questions when you need to answer WHO questions:
Who I am? 
What am I becoming?  
That’s the question.
p.s. If you want to do this type of work so that you earn more money, create new opportunities, and thrive as a woman in tech, I can help. Schedule your consultation with me.