“It is brave to set a clear goal. It is also brave to set that clear goal and know when it’s time to leave that goal behind and quit.” -Nicole Trick Steinbach

This week we discuss the importance of knowing when to shift or quit a goal, especially when it comes to our careers. I first share what a SMART goal, why they are important, and then I encourage you to consider the “unless statement” so that you can understand when it might be time to pivot, transform, or let go of a career goal. 

I explore the significance of resilience and commitment in reaching our goals, with the counterbalance of the courage to change direction, which can lead to unexpected and faster results. I invite you to reflect on the message in the quote from the book “Quit”: “Winners quit a lot. That’s how they win.”

For all the ambitious women in tech and those navigating their career journeys, I offer practical insights and advice on setting smart goals and recognizing when it’s time to make a change. 

Tune in to discover the power of the unless statement and how it can create more ease, freedom, and faster results in your career pursuits. Don’t miss out on this empowering episode on knowing when to break free from outdated goals and embrace new opportunities.

Let’s celebrate bravery and the courage to evolve in our careers!

Hot topics from this episode:

  • The importance of knowing when to shift or quit a goal
  • Build Your Brave framework to make decisions about goals
  • SMART Goals
  • Knowing when and how to quit a goal
  • “Unless” statements

Resources: Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away, by 

Annie Duke – https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60097435-quit   E33: Shine, Amplify, and Raise up Women in Tech –  https://celebratebrave.libsyn.com/shine-amplify-and-raise-up-women-in-tech

For more information on how you can build your brave:




