Ready to build your brave in a more intentional way than you ever have before? In this episode, I am giving you a recap while everything is fresh from the November 2022, 5 Day Build Your Brave Intensive. 

During this intensive, my eyes were opened even more to how deeply choosing your own brave can – and does – change everything. Over the last 18 months, my clients’ results have shown me that the way I teach brave through the Build Your Brave Framework is way bigger, bolder, audacious, and more effective than I was willing to see for every single part of a person’s life.

What my clients have created utilizing the Build Your Brave framework is nothing short of extraordinary. While our focus has primarily been on their professional careers, the reality is that every single part of their life shifts. Every single part.  

It is extraordinary to witness and all this is available for you too. Tune in to learn about all the incredible results from this framework.

Hold your hat for 2023, very cool things are coming!

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Hot topics from this episode:

  • What my clients have been showing me over the last 18 months 
  • The power of breath
  • How to feel your feelings within your body
  • The framework of Build Your Brave
  • Why so many feel stuck or quit
  • Being brave and moving through discomfort

For more information on how you can build your brave:

If you are an established woman in tech who is creating results and making an impact at work so your workload and stress just keep growing but promotions and salary bumps remain a distant dream, it is time for change. 

Listen, we all know the tech industry has dramatically changed. It’s time your career approach did too. 

You don’t need cookie-cutter programs or dusty advice from outdated playbooks, because what works for tech bros, won’t work for you. You need individualized, bespoke support to build your brave career. One that reflects who you are as a woman in tech. 

I invite you to explore career coaching with me. Get all the details, including prices and client results, at

You can stress less, work less, and earn more. You’ve already earned it. Let’s make it happen.