Celebrate BRAVE Podcast

Together we are redefining BRAVE:

how we identify | how we live it | how we celebrate it


Do you want to increase your salary? Of course you do! You love your job in tech but how is the balance? Are you working too much? You probably are! 

Listen to this weeks episode where Nicole explains how you can increase your salary and have better work and life stability with the help of a tool and the guidance of her services. 

Resources in this episode:



Welcome to the celebrate brave podcast. 

I’m Nicole Trick Steinbach, your host, and the international bravery coach. On a mission to redefine brave. How we identify it, live it, and most importantly, celebrate it. Because when you build your brave, you change your world and that changes the world. Talk about something to celebrate. Let’s go.

Hello, brave people. This is going to be a real short one. I’m going to give you a tip for how you not even playing with ya, how you can increase your salary this week. It all comes down to clarity. Here’s the resource it’s called an Omni calculator. 

It’s https://www.omnicalculator.com/finance/salary-to-hourly

Here’s the deal. You agreed to a certain exchange. Your time, which is invaluable and irreplaceable in exchange for a salary. Perhaps you are working hourly. Perhaps you have a salary. Here’s the deal. You’re working too much. You made an agreement, you do that agreement and then you go above and beyond. You check your emails right before bed. You just really quickly take this phone call during something that has nothing to do with work. You’re posting on LinkedIn about what an amazing company you work at, at 9:00 PM. Whatever it is, statistics and my lived experience, show me, you’re working too much. 

Now, I’m going to give you a little caveat. There were two and a half years of my life that were professional to the exclusion of everything else. I learned to run in high heels and suits. I was on planes on the turn of the dime. I cancelled holidays like wildness. And now nearly 15 years later, I would do it again. And I’ll tell you why. It made me a better professional. It made me understand why boundaries were so important. And those two and a half years were an investment that leapt me forward for the rest of my career. Two and a half years. In those two and a half years, I think I was making maybe $65,000 or Euro. So let’s put in 65,000. Okay. So this does it in dollars but you can ignore that and do it in your currency. So in those years, 65,000. So that meant at 40 hours a week, I was making 31 and a quarter Euro an hour. Oh my God. That’s amazing, right!. Plus I had time off. Plus I had benefits. Oh my gosh, that’s amazing. But I will tell you towards the end of this two and a half years, my then-boyfriend now-husband sat me down and was like, look, you’re amazing. And I can’t do this. We need some sort of balance. If you have to cancel another vacation, I’m not sure I can do this anymore. Let’s talk. Okay. So I know that I started tracking time. I know. That I was working well over 80. So I’m in the Omni calculator, annual salary, still 65,000. Now I put in 80. Guess what, I’m making a little over 15 Euro an hour.

Do you want to increase your salary? How much are you working? How much are you obsessing about your current role? How much are you devaluing the agreement you made with your employer? I have a client, I worked with her at the beginning of 2019. Then we did a small package in the middle of 2020. She sent me a text message that inspired this episode.

She texted me and said; I did it. She tripled her salary. Tripled!. From 2019 to 2020, she doubled it because she changed roles. She built the belief in herself. She got amazing at networking. She got really good at identifying what it is that she wanted and got even better at asking for it. Amazing. And then, in this role, as she was gearing up, she threw herself into it. And at the beginning of 2021, she had a wonderful conversation with her mentor, her sponsor, her board of directors, her coach…. me, and her manager. And she significantly reduced the hours she was working in her new role where she had already doubled her income. Over a hundred thousand increase in her salary. Crazy, so amazing. She hired two new people, redelegated, reassign the work with her team. Dropped the hours she was working, and that took her to tripling her income, her salary from 2019. There you go. https://www.omnicalculator.com/finance/salary-to-hourly, play with it.

Thank you for listening to this episode of the celebrate brave podcast.

If you’re ready to build your brave, to live a life you love, and create a career that matters to you. Reach out! Together we can spend time one-on-one to explore how I can help you. And until then share this episode with people in your life. People who can join our movement. To redefine brave how we identify it, experience it, and celebrate it.

Meet Your Host

Nicole Trick Steinbach

Nicole Trick Steinbach

Nicole lives the skill of bravery and the joy of failure while inspiring others to find their BRAVE to do the same.

Before stepping into her genius as the international BRAVE coach, she grew up in a struggling single-parent family and overcame a speech impediment. Today she has over 20 years in technology including global executive roles, is bilingual, and has a track record of coaching and advising all levels of professionals in over 25 countries. 

She supports each person to build their own bravery so that they can turn dreams into reality: landing executive roles, pursuing international careers, doubling their income, and thriving in their chosen career.

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