Celebrate BRAVE Podcast

Together we are redefining BRAVE:

how we identify | how we live it | how we celebrate it


Episode 13: BONUS Episode for 2021 International Women's Day

Season 1, Episode 13

An extra special episode of the Celebrate Brave Podcast. In honour of International Women’s day 2021 Nicole has given over her podcast to a group of women and men who share with you how they are celebrating this day.

Thanks to: Arezou, Astrid, Chip, Cynthia, Dominik, Erica, Julia, Kami, Laila, Rynette, Taryn and Tenice for their contribution to this episode and for the inspiring ways they commemorate women all over the world. 

This year’s International Women’s day theme is #ChooseToChallenge. A challenged world is an alert world, and from challenge comes change. Something Nicole strongly believes in. When women challenge themselves and others around them they can create opportunities, growth and change the world!.

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Welcome to the celebrate brave podcast. 

I’m Nicole Trick Steinbach, your host, and the international bravery coach. On a mission to redefine brave. How we identify it, live it, and most importantly, celebrate it. Because when you build your brave, you change your world and that changes the world. Talk about something to celebrate. Let’s go. 

Hello. Hello and welcome to this Bonus episode of the celebrate brave podcast. Y’all, this is coming out on March 8th. 2021. And it’s the 110th annual international women’s day. A 110 annual isn’t that super exciting?. This year, the theme is: choose to challenge. And as I’m recording this it’s a few weeks before actual international women’s day.

And I’m already, so Jazzed by the incredible hashtag campaign that’s already out there on the international women’s day website. There are all the images from all over the world of folks posing in the: choose to challenge form, and sharing how they’re gearing up to celebrate this very, very special day. So exciting.

So before we dive in and I turn over my podcast to the voices of people from truly all over the world, just a little bit of context about international women’s day. So, as I said, a hundred and 10th annual and March 8th, it is a day that focuses on four goals. Some of this language may be a little out of date.

It’s 110 years old and the movement is about what you are going to do. So the four goals are to celebrate women’s achievements. To raise awareness about gender equality, lobby for these are going to be my words now. Okay. Lobby for actual gender parody, responsibilities, wealth, pay, et cetera, safety. And the fourth one is to fundraise for focused charities.

The theme of this year is: choose to challenge and I’m diving in right now. When I celebrate international women’s day, I celebrate everyone who identifies as a woman. You are all welcome here. And men and people who identify as men who celebrate women. So hopefully we’re celebrating the whole world by celebrating the women because the: choose to launch campaign, this is what it says on the website. We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality, and we can all choose to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements. Collectively. We can all help create an inclusive world and I agree. I agree a million percent and that means we bring everyone with us. In fact, not only do we insist on everyone, not only do we insist on everyone.

But we placed those most harmed by our current structures in the center of the work we do. The three colors are purple, green, and white. Purple signifies justice, dignity. Green is for hope and white represents purity. Again, hashtag: choose to challenge. Different people are going to understand purity in a different way.

Here is how I understand it. We are doing our best with the information and resources that we have today, and we are working from the shared understanding and believe that so is everybody else. That is purple, green and white.

 Gloria Steinem. If you don’t know that name, y’all, go get inspired. She once said the story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization. But to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights. 

So as we go into the celebration today and you hear the impulses, the celebrations, the inspirations from the incredible group of people who have shared their inspirations with you. I ask that you take a moment to celebrate, celebrate yourself, celebrate the women, all women, including trans women in your life. And as you continue through 2021, consider the justice of purple. The hope of green. And the purity of inclusion in centering those most harmed by the systems we have today in white 

I’m Nicole Trick Steinbach I’m celebrating international women’s day by turning my podcast over to an incredible collection of humans from all over the world. They’re going to share with you how they’re celebrating the day. And I hope that you find inspiration for how you can celebrate today, tomorrow, and into the future. So happy international women’s day. And celebrate brave.

Hello, my name is Kami Guildner. I am celebrating international women’s day by igniting some love and connection over on my extraordinary women connect Facebook group, I will be holding space to connect some great women to great women and launching a podcast on the healing power of our girlfriends on extraordinary women radio and throwing down a challenge. To raise up your girlfriend connection time in 2021 because let’s face it. We all need more girlfriend time happy international women’s day. My extraordinary women friends.

My name is  Arizou , and I’m dedicating a blog to all the amazing women who have been my advocates, my cheerleaders, and my tough love givers. 

Hi, my name is chip Lambert. For international women’s day. I always cooked my wife, spicy red beans and rice. And I clean up too. 

This is Astrid. I’m going to be celebrating international women’s day by substitute teaching a science class in middle school because I think there should be more female role models in science. And I’m going to go out to happy hour with a girlfriend who’s recovering from an abusive relationship. To tell her how awesome she is because we women are just awesome.

I’m Cynthia and in honor of international women’s day, I will be making a donation in honor, of all of my mentors and dearest girlfriends to the women’s bean project, which is an amazing organization in the Denver area that helps women get back on their feet. Women who are experiencing chronic unemployment due to mental illness, addiction, incarceration. The women’s bean project gives them meaningful work and skills to help them find their way in the world of work.

My name is Julia and my celebration for international women’s day, something I grew up with because I’m coming from Eastern Europe. So we celebrate that a lot. I sent flowers to women in my life and professionally in business or in the community I talk about women who inspire me.

My name is Dominik, and I will make a point of saying something kind to the women around me that are in my life.

Hi, Nicole, this is Rynette Upsenbush , responding to your post about international women’s day. And what I do to celebrate women on that day is I poor back into women that need to be inspired by sending them positive messages. And I also think the women that have pushed me forward to become who I am. So that’s what I do to celebrate the day. And again, my name is Rynette Upsenbush . 

Hey, Nicole, it’s Taryn. Just wanted to let you know that it’s an honor of international women’s day. I plan to donate to Nina Turner’s campaign to help drive some much-needed change in Ohio. Thanks. 

My name is Laila. On international women’s day, I’m going to plant some flower bulbs in honor of my mother, the strongest woman I knew. And for all the other mothers out there who work have children, a partner, a household, and still make time to ask their friends how they’re doing. 

Hello, my name is Tenice Wehmeyer, and today for international women’s day, I encourage you to take action, follow your dreams and make a difference. Be bold, be brave, be courageous, be beautiful. Wherever you go. Stand tall and create productive ripples that leave a positive impact and a legacy that you will be proud to say is yours.

My name is Erica Tamburo, and for international women’s day, I will be curling up with a beautifully illustrated book, titled women and art, that presents 50 fearless creative women that inspired the world. I’m excited to discover new women in art and have the opportunity to remember and celebrate those that I haven’t thought of in a while.

Wasn’t that wonderful? A heart heart filled thank you to all the men and women who shared how you are celebrating this international women’s day. Choose to challenge 2021. And I hope dear listener, you were inspired with perhaps a new or additional way to celebrate. And if you’re celebrating today, March 8th, or any other day of the calendar year. Thank you. Thank you for celebrating the women in your life. And remember to celebrate you. Till next time. 

Thank you for listening to this episode of the celebrate brave podcast. If you’re ready to build your brave, to live a life you love, and create a career that matters to you. Reach out! Together we can spend time one-on-one to explore how I can help you. And until then share this episode with people in your life. People who can join our movement To redefine brave how we identify it, experience it, and celebrate it.

Meet Your Host

Nicole Trick Steinbach

Nicole Trick Steinbach

Nicole lives the skill of bravery and the joy of failure while inspiring others to find their BRAVE to do the same.

Before stepping into her genius as the international BRAVE coach, she grew up in a struggling single-parent family and overcame a speech impediment. Today she has over 20 years in technology including global executive roles, is bilingual, and has a track record of coaching and advising all levels of professionals in over 25 countries. 

She supports each person to build their own bravery so that they can turn dreams into reality: landing executive roles, pursuing international careers, doubling their income, and thriving in their chosen career.

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