Celebrate BRAVE Podcast

Together we are redefining BRAVE:

how we identify | how we live it | how we celebrate it


Own it Like a Boss is about how you respond when you run into brick walls. Is it too much work to break it down, go over it, under it, or is it an opportunity to show how badly you want to reach your goal? Part three of the build your BRAVE frame-work is all about you transforming your BRAVE!

Quote: The last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams – Randy Pauch


Welcome to the celebrate brave podcast. I’m Nicole Trick Steinbach, your host and the international bravery coach on a mission to redefine brave how we identify it, live it, and most importantly, celebrate it because when you build your brave you change your world and that changes the world. Talk about something to celebrate. Let’s go. 

Hello, brave people. I am so excited to dive in to part three of my, how to build your brave framework today with you. Part three is called Own it like a boss and it’s swagger and confidence and frustration and disappointment and Ohhhh so much goodness. So much growth, so much growth. 

Now, this is part three of my framework. If you miss the overview, is it an earlier podcast episode. Go ahead and go back and check that out. All right. Let’s dive into part three. Own it like a boss.

There are so many amazing role models for owning it like a boss from all over the world. It was very difficult for me to identify which quote I was going to use for this podcast, because I’m telling y’all I have hundreds. Why do I have hundreds? Because this is where most people spend the most of their energy and time.

Sounds wild, right? I mean, do you know what you want? Tell it to your dentist and your inaction experience it like it kindergartener. Why is own it like a boss where so many people, so many people, including myself spend so much of their time and so much of their energy. And how has this different, that experience like a kindergartner two questions.

I get asked all the time from my personal clients for my small group cohorts. And when I speak publicly, here are my answers. Number one, because clarity takes time. And it’s always shifting, but it’s our behaviors, our beliefs, our mindset, our relationships, our personalities, our growth patterns, our learning styles.

Oh my goodness. All these things that make us the wonderful, unique people that we are. That’s where the rubber hits the road and stays there. That’s where the shift, the building, your brain, the sustain that’s where not a change, but a transformation, a transformation. Can I say that again? A transformation really, really, really settles in.

And becomes the new reality. That’s why the learn and the act and the experience that whole spiral, that’s sort of what other people see the lack of boss. That’s what we see, what we feel, what we experience and the out come of that. Impacts other people. Oh, it sounds so academic and so theoretical. And I get that.

I totally understand that. That’s why I started this framework saying, Hey, these parts artificially called part one part two and part three, because in reality, they are always underway at the same time in different ways. So much richness, so own it like a boss and the end, I decided that I would,

I would bring to the table a quote from Randy Pausch. Randy Pausch is not someone who a ton of people. I’ve heard of, it’s a bummer because his last lecture is the best last lecture out there. So if you’re not familiar with the concept of the last lecture, the idea, and it is a millennial old, the idea is that one gives a lecture as if.

It was their last lecture as F the twist here with Randy Pausch is that it truly was his quote unquote, last lecture. He had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and he knew he was on his way into that next phase, whatever his set of beliefs were. And so he gave this lecture at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, at the university where he was a professor.

And there is so much goodness in this. And while he does have a book, the last lecture, I highly recommend checking out the YouTube recording. The quote I want to bring to us today is a quote. That I had lived. I hadn’t lived in an unstable household. I had lived going from school to school throughout my childhood.

I had lived in keeping my scholarships and getting the college in the first place I had lived in my relationships and I hadn’t ever been gifted. A metaphor to help me understand what I was living. So here we go. The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick laws are not there to keep us out. The brick wall are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.

Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough, they’re there to stop the other people. I’m going to say that to the beginning sentence and the end sentence again, because it is so powerful and it relates so much to the conversation today of owning it like a boss.

The brick walls are there for a reason. They’re there to stop the other people. Oh, brave soul. You have written down your next big success. You have been playing with it. You’ve gotten more specific. It’s become more real to you. Do you are in the spiral of experiencing it like a kindergartener you’re learning, you’re acting, you’re experiencing the joys and the frustration, the successes, the failures.

Sometimes even the boredom. Here we go. You’re running into brick walls, right? Maybe, maybe you already crashed into one. Maybe, you know, one is there.

And you’re thinking that’s going to be a lot of work getting through and over going around that brick wall. Oh, that’s going to be

my next big success is my goal is my clarity is my learning and acting. Is it really worth the effort to deal with that brick wall? Only, you know, the answer to that only, you know, the answer to that. But if the answer is yes, if the answer is Michael, not only am I telling it to my dentist and experiencing it like a kindergartner, but I am going to make it mine.

I am making it mine. I make it mine. Then that brick wall. That brick wall is there to show you to give you an opportunity to show how badly you want your goal, your next big success. It is a gift when I decided to step out of corporate to leave behind the snazzy super impressive title. Of global senior director.

It was terrifying. Talk about brick walls inside me inside my relationships. I was called Korea easy. I felt crazy. And then there were all these things. I didn’t know, all these people, I didn’t know, brick walls all around. And then the choice, the ever continuing choice to go through it, to climb over it, to go under it and to go around it.

I didn’t know the people, I didn’t know entrepreneurs. I didn’t, I had built my career in Germany, in Europe, my network. Was all over Europe and then North America and then Asia and then South America, and then Africa. That’s how much time I spent identifying where’s my network. And very, very few of those people were entrepreneur.

And here I am in Colorado brick walls. Brick walls. So what did I do? I went in search. I learned, I acted. I learned, I acted, I knew I was going to need a team. So I started consulting. So I can be a part of a team. I knew I would need role models. So I found podcasts. I asked people, what are you listening to?

I was gifted by a super, super amazing woman. The gift of knowing about Marie Forleo. I took courses and I joined a mastermind and before I was a fully aware. I had my company up and running. I had something like a network. I had an accountability partner and my first private clients, because the brick walls are there to give me a chance to show how bad we, I want something and I badly want to redefine brave.

I want to shift. How we see it, identify it, how we celebrate it. And I want the spine of our world, which is technology. Now, of course it’s hard and connection and human experience. Of course, it’s the environment of course, 100%. And the one that we have built is technology. And right now technology is keeping way too many people out.

Weighing too many people out and that has got to change. And when women in technology build their brains, when they build their brains and change their world more money, better relationships, more opportunities, bigger seats, building new tables, new banquet halls. As I was recently told technology will be more inclusive.

It is more inclusive than it was a year ago. And that will only continue. I am so passionate about that, that all of the brick walls, give me a chance to show how badly I want it. So yeah, they stop other people. And sometimes a brick wall also stops me. There are certain aspects of being an entrepreneur.

Like website development women in tech, not excited about Wednesday development, social media design. That is a brick wall. Could I climb over it? Could I go under it? Could I go around it thousand percent? Do I want to know? As a matter of fact, I do not. So now I have to own it like a boss. I have to be very clear.

Tell it to your dentists, social media, three channels. The feeling is brave, confident, empowered, who is the expert I will work with to ensure social media is up-to-date. Social media reflect who I am and what I want to bring in the world. And social media is not on my plate.

Now, if you go in there and you see longer stories or eyes stories, that’s me, I’m sharing a story. That’s a brick wall. I’ll climb over. I’ll go around. I’ll go under, I’ll go through and making it does that. That’s not me. I don’t do that designing and I don’t do that posting because that is a brick wall that showed me.

I do not badly want that. Instead. I badly want to work with an expert who badly wants that because the brick walls are there for a reason. And the reason is to ensure we own it like a boss. And we own our mindset, our beliefs, our relationships, our behaviors, our habits, our finances, all of it that we own it, the good, the bad, the ugly, so that you build the scale of bravery to change your world.

And that. Changes our world. Isn’t that something to celebrate. So you’ve heard my passion about brick walls. You have heard and experienced the yumminess of own it like a boss, but what can you do your brave soul? What can you do right now to experience it like a kindergartner so that. Your next big success becomes your reality.

Okay. There are two things. Two questions, symbol, not an easy symbol learn easy. All right, here we go. What obstacle do you need to address? Is it perhaps a habit you want to change a difficult conversation? You’ve been avoiding. A mindset. You need to share a scale. You need to earn, build, deepen, enhance.

What’s an obstacle you need to address. Okay. Question number two. What opportunity? Do you need to grab, I’ll tell you these opportunities. I get a lot of pushback about that. What does that mean? What does that mean? And I get it sometimes it’s really hard. We’ve got this negative bias brain. It’s really hard to identify an opportunity.

So another way to think about this is what has come, quote unquote too soon. What is in your life or who is in your life, or could be that you are quote, ready for those are opportunities because if it’s there and the possibility is there and you’re ready for it, you’re ready for the stretch. You’re ready to build the brave of the stretch for that opportunity.

Okay. So those are the two questions. What obstacle, what opportunity? Simple, not easy. When you have those answers, guess what? Experience it like a kindergartner so that you’re telling it to your dentist. You’re in the spiral. You’re building your brave. And if you own it like a boss. No, wait, wait, wait, wait.

When you own it like a boss, we’re not doing air when you were own it like a boss. What today is your goal is sound or reality? What is today? Your goal is soon. Your reality. When I started this business, I knew I would be of service to women in tech, building their brave to change the world so that together we change the world.

That is my reality today. My clients are they’re building it. They’re creating it. They’re alternative. They are trans forming their world. And through that, our world, my clients, 92% of them, 92, I couldn’t believe the data. I actually had someone else run the data because it seems so wild. 92% of them have more money after working with wild.

Imagine all that generational wealth that all day  wealth way over half. Experienced career progression and way over half report, deepened, stronger, broader relationships. And those relationships are how you and I, we gain access to those opportunities. It’s also how we create opportunities for others. And how do we make sure folks that haven’t been quote unquote in the room where it happens or even knew the room existed, that they get into that room?

That’s what my clients are doing because they build their grief. They change their world, they change the world and you can too, you deserve it. So tell it to your dentist, experience it like a kindergartener, own it like a boss. And to brave it, celebrate brave until the next episode. Brave it out. Thanks again for listening today.

If you are ready to build your brave for more money, deeper relationships and more opportunities in your life. Reach out to me, Nicole check Steinback. I would love to help you. And please remember to rate and review this celebrate brave podcast so that more people can support our movement to redefine brave how we define it.

Live it and celebrate it.

Meet Your Host

Nicole Trick Steinbach

Nicole Trick Steinbach

Nicole lives the skill of bravery and the joy of failure while inspiring others to find their BRAVE to do the same.

Before stepping into her genius as the international BRAVE coach, she grew up in a struggling single-parent family and overcame a speech impediment. Today she has over 20 years in technology including global executive roles, is bilingual, and has a track record of coaching and advising all levels of professionals in over 25 countries. 

She supports each person to build their own bravery so that they can turn dreams into reality: landing executive roles, pursuing international careers, doubling their income, and thriving in their chosen career.

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