Celebrate BRAVE Podcast

Together we are redefining BRAVE:

how we identify | how we live it | how we celebrate it


Episode Description

    Inspiration for this week’s episode comes from one of Nicole’s clients: There are no prince charmings. Yet, too many women are acting like the professional version of sleeping beauty, waiting for the professional knight in shining armor or the prince charming to swoop in for their career. It is an enormous mistake.

    Nicole shares personal stories about how she co-created bad working situations that held her back: staying at a job with a crappy manager who accused her of not being a team player (when he actually meant ‘masculine’), staying in a gendered situation that held her back, accepting poor behavior as part of the experience of getting a promotion. 

    How you can stop being a sleeping beauty and become your own knight with control and joy in your career. 

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    Create your own career, stop waiting for others to do so. 

    “Women are waiting for their white knight to create their career. A professional Prince Charming to build their career,” this inspiration was dropped by Nicole’s client so calmly and so purposefully that it took Nicole’s breath away. Through continued conversation – and months of exploration since – this pattern IS in the world. And it is holding women back. 

    Take charge of your career path

    There is no magical recruiter that’s going to reach out and scoot you into the best role ever that literally does not exist. There is no project manager who’s going to establish and protect your boundaries and your life. There’s no manager that’s going to, you know, download their negotiation or their conflict skills and set you up for the rest of your career. There’s no HR training or representative, that’s going to protect you and your energy. You have to take charge, lead, and rescue your own career.

    Create your own opportunities by making your own decision 

    You decide if you have opportunities. You decide if you invest in your career. You decide if you lead or just participate in your career. The hours you work, the situations you accept. 

    If you’re unhappy, if you’re underpaid and overworked, if you’re bored, you create that.

    Invest in coaching and stop waiting 

    My clients are not waiting for Prince Charming. That’s why they’re making more money. My clients are not waiting for a White Knight. That’s why they’ve gotten new opportunities. Many of my clients are offered roles that didn’t exist until other people knew that my client existed. They’re not waiting. You have to stop waiting too.


    Related Episodes:

    Are you Underpaid, Overworked or Underinvested as a Women in Tech?

    Career Tip for Women in Tech: Circles of Control

    How to Identify & Manage the Glass Cliff


    For more information on how you can Build your BRAVE:





    Discover how you live your BRAVE today and how you can build your BRAVE for tomorrow.

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    Meet Your Host

    Nicole Trick Steinbach

    Nicole Trick Steinbach

    Nicole lives the skill of bravery and the joy of failure while inspiring others to find their BRAVE to do the same.

    Before stepping into her genius as the international BRAVE coach, she grew up in a struggling single-parent family and overcame a speech impediment. Today she has over 20 years in technology including global executive roles, is bilingual, and has a track record of coaching and advising all levels of professionals in over 25 countries. 

    She supports each person to build their own bravery so that they can turn dreams into reality: landing executive roles, pursuing international careers, doubling their income, and thriving in their chosen career.

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