“Fear of failure holds us back, but we need to embrace the possibility of failure in order to truly be brave.” – Nicole Trick Steinbach

Rochelle Marie welcomed me onto the Her Leadership Coach podcast to explore how to develop from a comfort zone into your competent leader with the power of bravery.

We challenge the too common – and bad – advice that all you need to do as a leader is to play it safe, follow the rules, and avoid risks. We know that it doesn’t work and actually holds back your career growth.

Therefore, we talked through how to challenge the status quo and build your bravery to lead boldly, in your own way.

The biggest thing you can learn from this episode is that listening to advice can be helpful in identifying what doesn’t work so that you can create what works for you and your leadership career.

Listen to the full episode here: From Comfort Zone to Competent Leader: The Power of Bravery 

What was the least effective piece of advice you followed and how did you break it in your career? Share below.



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