Ah, man, this last week and some change. First I got sick with some not-COVID that knocked me down. And then I got my booster vaccine (dance party!) which knocked me down and whatever virus I have leapt back up.

My body has had a good amount of pain and I’ve slept more than usual (and you all know I LOVE sleep). I’ve also enjoyed a lot of time to think, journal, and envision 2022 … and watch BBC’s 1996 Pride and Prejudice (absolutely fav!) as well as some delightfully silly Holiday movies on Netflix. I even revisited The Good Place.

These nine days have been very different from how I expected them to be and they have been soooo rich and generous. This time has given me the opportunity to sit with decisions I made for my new year in November. In that space I created a commitment that is even higher and deeper (human are so fun…because higher and deeper makes no logical sense and also BOTH AND is such an amazing place to live).

These nine days also welcomed so many client celebrations. My clients who – even while I’ve been down for the count – continue to implement our coaching to blow-your-mind results:

  • The client who has instituted a firm time-down, empowered by her clearer boundaries and communication, her trust in herself, and her skill-building around portfolio management, and is now feeling more relaxed and getting better sleep.
  • The client who felt her difficult feelings at a shift in execution and instead of following in a pattern that leads to overwork and dissatisfaction chose to respond differently within herself.
  • The client who in one session identified her deep insecurity about being visibly successful and committed to embracing it so that she can show up even more clearly and powerfully for her own career and her entire (and growing!) team.
  • The client transitioning into tech who received her first full-time offer, felt the feelings of celebration and risk, and then entered into powerful negotiation across salary + bonus + benefits + professional development + stocks.

In just one week.

Side note: this is one of the reasons I love keeping in touch over Voxer with my clients.

What about you?

If you were knocked up for nine days, what would you be thinking about? How would you feel? What would you be committing to and celebrating?

Too many women in tech wouldn’t be too joyful. Instead, thoughts of insecurity, frustration, and disappointment seem to haunt and exhaust us.

I know because I am a woman in tech. I attend a lot of networking events. Most of my global network is devoted to tech. I experience what is really going on with one woman at a time through consultations.

We aren’t happy.

But we justify and rationalize our unhappiness with statements like

  • I get paid more than others’ jobs but I’m pretty sure my colleagues are getting paid a lot more.
  • I see I have more flexibility than most of my friends but I’m so overworked and exhausted. Work never seems to stop.
  • He isn’t a horrible manager – I’ve had horrible managers – but I don’t think he cares or knows what I do, let alone what I want next.
  • I should be okay with all this, why aren’t I just happy? I must be selfish/difficult/greedy.
  • I want to change something but I don’t know how. Is it really worth it? How can I know for sure? I guess I’ll just stay with the unhappy I do know.

Is this you?

I doesn’t have to be.

You can earn more, experience more, land a new job, shift to a good manager, work less, and ENJOY your career.

I’m living proof. And so are my clients.

All you need to do is one thing: invest in yourself.

Invest in yourself with your time. You can.

Invest in yourself with your energy. You have it.

Invest in yourself with you money. You deserve it.

Invest in yourself most especially if you think you can’t. Because not investing in yourself is why you aren’t happy. Change it.

Implement these three steps and watch your pay, opportunities, and happiness grow:

  1. Get clarity on your goal and why it matters
  2. Create momentum to deepen and extend your results
  3. Build accountability to remove your obstacles and embrace your opportunities

Not sure how this works? Convinced it may be true for others but not for you? Think you’ve tried everything?

Set up your consultation.

I know how it works and will teach you how.

I know this is true for you and will guide you forward.

I know there is more to implement and I know what and how.

I can help. Start now. 

Ready to thrive as a woman in tech?

You can earn more money, create more opportunity, and start really enjoying your career.

I can help. Schedule your consult to learn how.