“I have been conditioned to question myself. So have you. But the skill of bravery allows me to see the conditioning and then make choices that I actually choose.” – Nicole Trick Steinbach 

Dr. Elena Paweta welcomed me onto her podcast to share my story and the Build Your Brave framework. Ideas + Leaders is in the top 10% of global podcasts, as of May 2024.

I shared my story, personal and professional, from my first educational experiences, through living in Germany to build a global career, my return to the US, and choosing to build my career in new ways.

We discuss what change and bravery really create in our lives, including stepping forward into our dreams, one step and 2% at a time. Asking for help, receiving feedback, and choosing to invest in who we want to be drive forward all we do.

I walk you through how to listen to your inner voice and then choose bravery, using the framework.

Listen to the full episode: Ideas + Leaders: How to Be Brave

How does bravery help you listen to, learn from, and choose your inner voice? Share below


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