“Sometimes something good, like a job, changes while you are also growing. Both that job and you can stay amazing but become a bad fit together.” – Nicole Trick Steinbach

Martine Williams welcomed me onto the Mompreneur Life Remixed podcast to dive into how to unleash your inner brave as a mom who is also an entrepreneur.

I shared my own experience of becoming an entrepreneur, with an emphasis on my long process of shifting from being a corporate leader into a small business owner. I got specific and shared the messy steps that I needed to make my decisions.

Martine also shared her own experience with parenting and setting up a business. We both swap wisdom and practical advice for creating a brave career and life.

The biggest thing you can learn from this episode is that your pathway must be unique to you, without insisting that something has to be wrong with others while you grow.

Listen to the full episode here. Unleashing Your Inner Brave with Nicole Trick Steinbach

What amazing phase in your career did you outgrow? What helped you make that brave move?

You can enjoy being a woman in tech.

You can stress less, work less, earn more money.

I can help. Schedule your consult.