Are you interested in being a guest on the

Build Your Brave Career podcast?

The Build Your Brave Careers podcast is a podcast for professional women, with an emphasis on women in and around the tech industry, to build the skill of bravery so that they can grow their careers in a way that best supports them.

With a mix of conversations and solo episodes, Nicole Trick Steinbach creates empowering episodes to help professional women make bold decisions, take decisive action, and courageously overcome career and personal obstacles. Come join us on this journey of transformation—build your brave with the Build Your Brave Career podcast!

As of Q1 2024, the Build Your Brave Career podcast is in the top 10% of podcasts globally.

Listen to the Build Your Brave Career podcast on your favorite podcast player by clicking here

The audience is professional women who work in currently male-dominated STEM industries. The audience wants to continue growing their careers without stressing or burning themselves out. Most report a strong desire to work less while learning how to craft a more successful career, landing stretch roles, promotions, relocations, and increased compensation.

Most women are between the ages of 30 and 55 years of age, are highly educated, have some global experience, and consider themselves intelligent, ambitious, and motivated.

Most of the audience is in North America and Europe, with growing audience connections in Australia, New Zealand, and Africa.

Nicole Trick Steinbach is the International Bravery Coach for women in and around the tech industry and the host of the Build Your Brave Career podcast. She helps women build the skill of bravery to stress less, work less, and then earn more.

She spent nearly 20 years in the tech industry, growing from an assistant to a Global Senior Director. She lived in Germany for over a decade, is a certified expert in Change Management, led global project teams across all functional areas, and has worked in over 25 countries and led teams across every global region.

She now lives in Colorado with her husband, two children, and one dog. Her key hobby is reading so send her your recommendations.

For more information about Nicole please use the following links:

  • Website
  • LinkedIn profile

Episodes are released each Monday morning, in Central European timezone.

I promote each episode to my email list and on my social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok).

Starting in 2024, I aim to hold each episode below 30 minutes through preparation and editing.

A great guest is a woman who has a career in a corporation, particularly in a STEM-related space, who is willing to share a specific piece of career advice and the vulnerable story about a time she learned or used that advice to be brave in her career. I ask that you be specific about your experience:

  • what took place
    • how it started (the trigger)
    • how you felt
    • your initial response
  • how you chose to address it
    • what worked
    • what didn’t work
  • what your immediate and mid-term outcomes were/are
    • what you learned
    • how you changed
  • what you suggest/recommend to the listeners

While I do request specificity, I recommend not sharing brand names. I recommend sharing individual names of people and teams only when you want to lift who they are to others and praise them.

I ask that you first listen to at least two episodes of the podcast to ensure that you feel comfortable with the tone, length, and focus areas.

If you are still interested, I will send a link to a form to share your story and schedule a 30-minute pre-recording conversation. We will use these two resources to establish rapport, go over what you want to share and why, and answer any questions you may have.

Based on our conversation, we will schedule the recording meeting, reserving 50 minutes together.

At that time, please send your headshot and a short description bio about you. I will use this information to introduce you and the main themes of our conversation.

During a conversation, our focus is sharing your personal story to help the audience build their own bravery in their career. I have three structural questions to guide our conversation and meet our audience’s needs. Within that structure, we will have a free-flow conversation.

We will start by asking you for your specific career advice, then for a story of how you were brave in your career. Then I will ask you for a brave role model in your own life.

Finally, I will ask how people can connect with you. I encourage you to connect over LinkedIn as most people listen for career insights and are most likely to connect on LinkedIn.

Structural Questions:

  • What is your brave career advice for other women in their careers?
  • When were you brave in your own career and why?
  • Who is a brave role model you want to share with us today?
  • How can listeners connect with you?

We will record using Zoom. Please ensure that you are in a quiet space with an external mic and headphones.

As of 2024, I do not publish video on any channel.

I work with a professional editor who normalizes the sound, edits content as requested, adds the intro and outro, and manages the publishing process.

If at any point during our conversation, you want to stop and restart an element of your story, you are welcome to do so. We will make a full stop, I will ask my podcast editor to remove that part, we will count to three, and start again.

It is very important to me that the pronunciation of your name is proper and complete. Please correct me at any time.

I am entitled, as the podcast host, to edit the recording and remove any content as required for the purposes of the podcast. I reserve the right not to publish the episode for any reason, most particularly in cases when the guest blatantly self-promotes their company or service.

While swearing and adult language are acceptable, dehumanizing or hateful language will lead to an immediate stop of the recording and it will not be published.

Build Your Brave Career podcast is not a monetized podcast. Guests are not paid for their time and there are currently no third-party interests, advertisements, or sponsors.

For further information please email contact