She’s back!! Based upon repeated and popular request, Ashley Willumitis is returning to share how her life has continued to change, and her career has continued to grow, in the last year by answering all the questions listeners sent in: 

  • What has happened during the last year?  What is your life and career like now? 
  • Are you still able to keep boundaries / work-and-life-integration / are you able to have energy left and feel good still? 
  • Can you still prioritize yourself and not feel awful? 
  • Have you really found purpose in this new career that isn’t service driven?
  • Are you okay with earning more money? Sounded like a big jump. 
  • Are you still doing interest interviews / Why? Have you changed? How? 
  • Would you do it again? 
  • What would you do differently this time around? 

If you missed Ashley’s first podcast episode, make sure to check out E61 (linked below). This episode is BRILLIANT and I can’t wait for you to hear it!
Connect with Ashley Willumitis here: LinkedIn Ashley Willumitis – Find Truth, Joy and Purpose in Your Life:
Book recommendation: Broken Open, by Elizabeth Lesser

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If you are an established woman in tech who is creating results and making an impact at work so your workload and stress just keep growing but promotions and salary bumps remain a distant dream, it is time for change. 

Listen, we all know the tech industry has dramatically changed. It’s time your career approach did too. 

You don’t need cookie-cutter programs or dusty advice from outdated playbooks, because what works for tech bros, won’t work for you. You need individualized, bespoke support to build your brave career. One that reflects who you are as a woman in tech. 

I invite you to explore career coaching with me. Get all the details, including prices and client results, at

You can stress less, work less, and earn more. You’ve already earned it. Let’s make it happen.