“I was so successful on paper but I felt disconnected, exhausted, and underappreciated. I had to make a major change but I didn’t know what or how.” – Nicole Trick Steinbach

Dr. Alex Swenson-Ridley welcomed me onto her podcast Reimagined to talk about challenging the status quo for and as a woman in tech. Reimagined is currently in the top 10% of global podcasts, as of May 2024.

We talked through about the pain of being “on-paper” success to making choices that shift closer to actual, brave success. We start with limitation and fears, then dive into the skill of bravery, and choosing to know the rules and status quo to break and ignore them all.

Listen to the full episode here: Reimagined: Chasing Happiness Over Metrics: Nicole’s Lessons on Bravery and Authentic Success

How do you ensure that your success goes past “on-paper” success and meets your dreams? Share below. 

You can enjoy being a woman in tech.

You can stress less, work less, earn more money.

I can help. Schedule your consult.