Human connection, also called networking, is the most important strategic approach to long-term career growth. Regardless of your function, seniority, or goals, you cannot get there alone.

You need connections, insights, advice, support, and (importantly!) people to celebrate with.

You need all of it.

Yet, few people understand how to connect with people in a way that feels authentic to you and supports your goal(s). As a result, you get left out and left behind.

So this week on the Build Your Brave Career episode, I share the foundations for networking: mindset, approach, and implementation details. 

I walk through a number of the most common misconceptions and challenges I hear frequently about networking and how to resolve each of them.

For example, I get a lot of push back about networking. My response is consistently: if you feel scammy while networking, you are doing it wrong.

Instead, you need connect with curiosity and interest as a human, to another human. In short: stop being weird and start being connected.

Then I offer a step-by-step process to empower you to navigate networking for career growth with authenticity and genuine curiosity, paving the way for sustained career growth.

Networking, done right, will cultivate a robust and authentic network, underscoring the transformative impact of human-to-human connections in shaping successful, fulfilling, brave career paths.

Listen to the full episode here: Networking for Career Growth with Interest Interviews – Human Connection is the Long Game E159


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