If you leave more than two meetings a week feeling despondent, disrespected, or overwhelmed, it’s time to make big changes.

Not tinker at the edges: big changes.

Work is work. And baseline respect must be the foundation. No one has the seniority or skill level that permits them to put you down, claim your work, silence your voice, or dismiss your concerns.

If that is happening for, here are some options to make big changes:

  • close down access to you – no more 1:1 or text/chat – and create a paper trial
  • have a crucial conversation with higher-level humans and set plans to shift
  • refuse to attend meetings without cover, ever. and record them all
  • get my Accountability Triangle to build clarity of what you will and won’t be doing
  • after every dismissive or disrespectful comment state, “I’m curious why you just said that, please explain further” – let them explain in your silence
  • start interest interviewing and get on the job market (right now is tough, so be proactive and expect it to take time)

    I’ve been in meetings recently as a consultant for two different tech organizations. It is clear that some folks have normalized disrespect and believe others are just ‘stuck.’

    They aren’t. In fact, you aren’t.

    You aren’t stuck. You deserve baseline respect. You matter.

    Make big changes.

    Want more for your specific situation? Reach out to me for insight or schedule your consultation below. 

You can enjoy being a woman in tech.

You can stress less, work less, earn more money.

I can help. Schedule your consult.