“Career coaching can be a waste of time, effort, and money. You need to be clear on your goal, your commitment, and then use due diligence to make careful decisions.” –Nicole Trick Steinbach

Career coaching can be the wild west that turns into a nebulous, expensive experience without clear measurement.

I joined the This Could Have Been an Email to talk about when and how to consider career coaching, when you should skip it, and how to identify to the good coach fit for you.

I am share how you can create measurements for your investment and how a mature, experienced coach can help.

We also explore the difference between aggression and assertion and how being brave may disappoint others, but never yourself. Finally, we discuss how to advocate for yourself so you can open doors and advocate for others.

 Listen to the full episode here: This Could Have Been An Email: What’s a Career Coach & Do You Need One?

What experiences have you had with career coaching? Share below.

You can enjoy being a woman in tech.

You can stress less, work less, earn more money.

I can help. Schedule your consult.