Each year I chose a word of year that sums up my intention for the new year.

My word of the year 2023 was Unleash.

It started as a full-bodied YES! that morphed into a neutral intention of ‘alright’ and then finally ended in an annoyed ‘not for me anymore’ as 2023 ended. I didn’t want to unleash anymore, I wanted something different. But what?

This is an example of what I call the “Yes-No Spiral” for career growth.

And it freaks out everyone. 

Because what is a yes, will become a no, and the no is uncomfortable, and you have to do the work to step into your next level of YES! 

That is what the yes/no spiral is: temporary and ever-changing. 

It is also your key to brave career growth.

Ready to step into the next part of your Yes/No Spiral? Schedule below. 

ps. My word of 2024 is Connection.

You can enjoy being a woman in tech.

You can stress less, work less, earn more money.

I can help. Schedule your consult.