I am an extrovert, a people person, and a verbal processor. So what happens when I sit down to talk leadership and the beautiful power of introverts on a podcast dedicated to being “Quietly Visible”?


I shared my perspective and experience of being a success extrovert and also how being so strongly over-indexed led me towards huge opportunities and massive mistakes.

The first time I built a team I did it so badly. I pulled together a group of people who I enjoyed talking to and working with. A group of people who were from different parts of the world but who shared my strengths in strategy, communication, and empathy.

We had a grand time….and we were very ineffective.

Because while on the outside we may have looked diverse — and we were — we approach ed work with a stunning homogeneity.

Thankfully members of my then Board of advisors were able to help me see the issue and resolve it.

I share this story and so much more on this podcast with Carol (Lewis) Stewart MSc, FIoL who is a 5x LinkedIn Top Voice UK and  The Coach for Introverted Women Who Are Senior Leaders.

We also talked about how interviews are currently structured to prioritize extroverts, and how you can leverage the power and beauty of being an introvert within the standard career interview process. (Spoiler: it is the Interview to Outcome Framework)

Listen to the full episode here: Quietly Visible: You can, with intention, Build Your Own Brave. 

You can enjoy being a woman in tech.

You can stress less, work less, earn more money.

I can help. Schedule your consult.