“Building bravery encompasses emotional awareness, proactive planning, and personal responsibility, most particularly when the situation is messy and hard. That’s exactly when you need to be brave.” —Nicole Trick Steinbach

Nkechi Agwuenu welcomed me onto her podcast to discuss bravery, advice that matters, and how bravery is a core skill to each pillar of career and life.

The biggest thing we can learn from this episode is that bravery is most needed exactly when it feels too hard to step back and get clear.

We went deep into the three steps for bravery:

  • Clarity: Knowing what you do and do not want, in simple terms.
  • Momentum: feeling and acting towards what you want and do not want, including stepping out the comfort zone and embracing risks and challenges.
  • Accountability: choosing your own choices and actions, recognizing the power to shape one’s own life, to self-govern and become who you want to be.

Listen to the full episode here. What I Wish My Mother Taught Me: Bravery is a Skill, Listening to your own voice

When did choosing to be brave help you navigate a difficult situation? Share below.


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