Learn how to work less with the
Accountability Triangle
Get clear, focus on the outcome, set boundaries, and stop doing their job
You have most likely been taught a form of accountability that focuses on control and drives you towards burnout, especially if you have been socialized as a woman.
For example:
- “Hold them accountable”
- “Make sure Bob is putting his numbers into the report correctly”
- “Your job is to get them to act”
Sure these statements may sound innocent and simple – maybe even normal – but they really, really aren’t.
In fact, these statements, and the mindset behind them, are destined to wear you out, slow down your career growth, limit your goal achievement, and cap your income.
This form of accountability is actually not-so-hidden control:
- controlling others
- controlling shared situations
- even controlling the uncontrollable
Which is as far away from the true definition of accountability as you can get, almost the exact opposite. Webster’s Dictionary defines accountability as “an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions” (emphasis mine).

True accountability is a habit that empowers you and is based on clarity, boundaries, communication, and excellence for YOU. Real accountability is a force that reduces that amount of stress you carry and the amount of extra effort you take on. Real accountability reduces conflicts, matures timelines and scopes, and focuses you on what you can actually control: YOU, your mindset, your actions, and your future.
But if the definition is clear and the benefits are many, why (oh why?!) is accountability so misunderstood and misused?
In other words, why are you so exhausted, overscheduled, and struggling?
Well, the short answer is that if you take on too much governance, control, and delivery, calling it “accountability” other people get to do less themselves.
In other words, you do their job. Or maybe their jobs.
You do their tasks, their thinking and planning, and, most exhaustingly, their emotional labor.
It is exhausting. You are exhausted because it is exhausting.
So, how do you change it up, stop doing their job, and create space and time for yourself?
I offer you the Accountability Triangle
The Accountability Triangle is a framework I use with my clients. They consistently report that the Accountability Triangle helps them make clear choices that reduce their work effort by between one and three hours each week.
The Accountability Triangle is rooted in my numerous certifications as well as established research, including:
- Erickson Solution Focused Coaching
- Prosci Change Management Practitioner, specifically stakeholder management
- Project Management Institute, specifically RACI
- Karpman Drama Triangle
- The Power of Ted*Empowerment Triangle
The Triangle has three elements:
- a shared outcome or goal
- you and your accountabilities and responsibilities
- a second person’s accountabilities and responsibilities.

The Accountability Triangle
has three elements:
- a shared outcome or goal
- you and your area of accountability
- one person & their area of accountabilty
What are people saying about the Accountability Triangle?
“This is tangible, simple, and a total shift. I am working less.” – Project Manager
“This has revolutionized how I understand myself in the world, thank you.” – Senior Engineer
“I lost the promotion. I did it [my Accountability Triangle] and my boss has to actually do his f***ing job. He can’t …like we talked about …but now HIS boss saw it too. This isn’t getting better. Looooooong story but it will get worse. I already have 4 conversations lined up about possible new jobs. I have been so scared and I work so much. I don’t know what’s next but I know it will be so much better. I think your session probably changed my life. thank you!!!!!” – Global Cybersecurity Expert
“I didn’t even finish it and I’m already working less!” – Development Manager
“My biggest moment was realizing that I am not the problem. I.Am.NOT.the.problem!” – Director, Consultant
Get Your Copy & Start Working Less
This is your strategic, brave moment: register to get your own copy of the Accountability Triangle below
You will get a 21 page workbook with lots of extra room for your journal and explore your own situation as well as a 20 minute video to walk you through each exercise of the Accountability Triangle.
How you have been taught accountability doesn’t serve you. This one does. Claim it as yours.
I’m Nicole Trick Steinbach
I know what it is like to be successful on the outside and miserable on the inside. I get it because I lived it.
Now I coach professional women like you to build the skill of bravery so that you stress less, work less, and earn more