Since I became a corporate refugee I’ve met many new people, doing new things, in new ways. And I am fascinated by them. Their why, how, backstory, ideas, connections, passions. Ah, just everything. I’m thrilled many of them are becoming colleagues, friends.
There is just this one little thing: on the whole they tend to talk way too much about the universe: asking the universe, putting it into the universe, thanking the universe, the universe has your back, the universe is conspiring for you.
It can be a lot. I mean, “universe.”
In an unrelated note, this last weekend, we went camping again. As I continued my working through Tara Mohr’s Playing Big, I realized how much I miss writing. It was like thunder in my soul: play big in writing, Nicole.
Not corporate writing, or just-in-time social media posts, play big in the real writing.
The heart-writing … soul-writing … writing-from-me-to-you writing. The process of releasing my heart and perhaps even, occasionally, my soul onto the page. Then editing and refining, reading my heart-writing out loud to go deeper, get clearer, and then extending this written, released piece of my heart into our world.
I mean, I went to university to study writing. I had a column that was picked up by the local Pittsburgh newspaper. Many of my corporate positions have included writing as a significant part of my role.
I am a writer. A writer who is writing, just not heart-writing.
I promised myself right then, at that scratched up picnic table, that I would take more time to write with my heart and soul. I promised myself that I would rebuild the muscle of embracing this voice of mine – this unique, raw, weird, gloriously me voice – and then gifting it into the world.
I promised myself out loud. These new people in my life would most likely say I “put it into the universe.”
In another, totally unrelated note, this Monday morning I walked down to my office, clicked on the daily link of Yoga with Adrianne, and… today was all about yoga for writers.
Yoga for WRITERS.