Being a woman in tech does not mean being unhappy, ignored, passed over, underpaid, or overworked.

Sure, all of that and more have been made common. So common that we actually think that ‘just how it is.’ So we complain, we tell each other our hushed stories, and we make plans to leave the toxic, unfair, hurtful industry of tech.

I get it. Oh, man, do I get it!

I was there so many times. Perhaps if I had been living in my own country (US) instead of another country (Germany) I would have leapt out of the tech industry and into “something that matters.”

And thank all the goddess and gods that I wasn’t and I didn’t.

No shade to another other industry and technology is the MFing spine of the entire world.

We, in the tech industry, create, innovate, nurture, and ultimately retire and replace the MF-ING SPINE OF THE WORLD.

  • Want to talk to grandma? You use tech.
  • Want to pay a bill? Runs on tech.
  • Want to book your holiday? Tech.
  • How are the kids being educated? Yup, that’s right: tech.

In what other industry do you have the biggest opportunity to shift how the world works, while earning good money, working from home or the office as you choose, traveling to amazing places or not, wearing gorgeous suits or incredible jeans, AND leap towards your curiosity and service the whole time?


The answer is tech.

And yet, you are unhappy. Most likely underpaid. You feel stuck and ignored. You’re tired of the techbro bullshit.

So, listen to our guest Arezou Zarafshan on this week’s Celebrate BRAVE episode and Do Something.

Celebrate BRAVE Podcast

Arezou and I share our personal stories about the pain of leaving positions at companies that weren’t serving us anymore. We go deep and we do not spare the honest agony.

Because “do something” sounds cute and easy; it is not.

Saying yes, saying no, taking a step towards, a step away, or revolutionizing your career is BRAVE. Simple, not easy.

Terrifying and humbling and hella rewarding, both emotionally and financially.

We also share how we stayed in the tech industry and are shifting it – so that we shift the spine of the world – while earning well, growing ourselves, lifting up others, and have a damn good time at it.

Look, you are reading this message because you’re sick of being an unhappy woman in tech. You know that you need change.

  1. You need crystal-clarity about your next goal, why it matters to you, and what is holding you back right now.
  2. You need a simple, effective plan to reach your goal that elevates your strengths and keeps you moving with regular results and personal growth.
  3. You need the skills, habits, mindset, and relationships to massively grow in your career in 2022 and for the rest of your career, reducing your excuses and negative expectations and replacing them with what serves you, lifts you up, and holds you accountable.

You need a partner who has been there and done that and now helps women in tech just like you do it as well. Do it even better, in your own way, so that you love being a woman in tech and making the spine of the world better.

I am that partner for you.

Here is what my clients in 2020 and 2021 have reported:

  • Over 90% of my clients make more money when they work with me.
  • Over 85% of my clients celebrated at least one career promotion.
  • Over 90% said they are happier as a woman in tech.

Obviously, you will grow in your career without my support.

Yes, you will. Millions of women in tech are doing it every year.

And, my clients stop limping along, complaining the entire way. They don’t wait for permission. They don’t cross their fingers and hope at each annual salary round.

My clients leap in their careers. They assume permission to create outstanding results. They negotiate double-digit salary increases and land them.

You can too. You can set the stage right now in 2021 for a rewarding 2022.

Ready to thrive as a woman in tech?

You can earn more money, create more opportunity, and stop being so damn unhappy.

I can help. Schedule your consult to learn how.