Most of my clients start working with me because they are so tried and tired and they want better even if they don’t quite believe it at the start. 
Perhaps you are there – overworked, underpaid, and feeling frustrated and stuck – and want change.
Or perhaps you are thriving in your career and want to build upon what is working for even more fun and rewarding 2022.
Or maybe you are somewhere in between.
No matter where you are as you read this email, today I’m offering three simple and hella effective practices to step into 2022 with goal that matters to YOU and YOUR CAREER.
This time of year is full of celebrating – over 200 unique celebrations around the world! – and even more traditions. What I offer below is one celebration and two traditions that will ensure that your 2022 is even more successful, rewarding, and fun.
I’m betting that you are spending a lot of time celebrating external traditions and not enough time celebrating and honoring YOU. Let’s change that. Here we go:
Create Clarity Through Celebrating YOU with Gratitude:
Reflect on 2021 and write down all the times you created growth for yourself. The times that you asked for the promotion, salary increase, or stretch assignment. The times you spoke up, you said yes and no. The times you really took off and enjoyed your free time and hobbies.
Write it all down and really feel the gratitude and joy. Celebrate the SHIT outta yourself. Dance around your kitchen, share your list with friends, walk like the badass woman in tech you are.
Build Momentum Through Purposeful Action:
Build upon the gratitude celebration and identify what you will carry forward into 2022 and what you won’t. Then look into 2022 and make some powerful action decisions by scheduling MORE time and MORE energy to what you are grateful for from 2021.
Then go even deeper: schedule more time off, set up recurring times with your Career Board of Directors, identify how you will invest in yourself in 2022 and act on it (certification, course, coaching, or stretch role). 
Put it right into your calendar and feel the power of momentum fill you. Take deep breaths. Stretch. YOU are creating your 2022.
Deepen Accountability Through Time Auditing
Keep that calendar open and assign one week each quarter to time audit how you are spending your time and energy in 15 minute increments. Start with the first full week of the year. Track with your integrity and belief how you are actually spending your time, especially your most powerful time.
Feel that resistance? I know it is there.
Cause let’s be real. No one – and that includes me! – love time audits. They suck.
And they suck because they are so powerful, so intimate, so black-on-white-clear-AF.
I’ve been there. In my last time audit I identified how I was wasting 16,000 minutes of my most powerful time. (barf!)
In my first ever time audit I saw how I was wasting one hour a day (!!) complaining about my job and career, with other unhappy people, overworking, exhausting myself, and not moving forward in any way. That’s over 24,000 minutes a year holding myself back with crappy behavior.
Bring It All Together For YOUR 2022
Yes! Congrats! You just balanced the scales in your favor, in your career, and your success.
That gets on HELL YES from me.
Look – and this is one painful pill to swallow – in the time of extraordinary growth and more opportunity for tech careers than ever before, being overworked, underpaid, and unhappy is a choice.
You can choose differently.
You can choose to be paid well.
You can choose to have the title your work earns.
You can choose to build your career where you are seen, heard, and accepted as the expert you are.
You can choose to take time off and enjoy your family and your hobbies.
You can choose to be happy as a woman in tech.
TLDR: you can choose to accept only what serves you and move away from what doesn’t. 
And that right there is one massive FUCK YES and that is the energy you can choose for 2022.
It is 100% possible, with the right clarity, action, and mindset.
Not sure how this works? Convinced it may be true for others but not for you? Think you’ve tried everything? Set up your consultation. 
I’m offering consults right now to start in January.
I know how you can enjoy your career and will teach you.
I know how to create the momentum for you and will guide you forward.
I know there are simple, effective steps you don’t know, haven’t tried, and will change everything.

Ready to thrive as a woman in tech?

You can earn more money, create more opportunity, and start really enjoying your career.

I can help. Schedule your consult to learn how.