Right now tech companies all over the world have more openings and more new roles that ever, ever, ever before.
They are searching for the best candidate. They are offering more salary, more benefits, more signing bonuses, and setting up more professional development budgets that ever before. 
Exactly zero of these companies are slowing down in the holiday season as 2021 comes to a close. In fact, most of them are speeding up to hire now in 2021 so that they can onboard in January-March 2022 and achieve their massive growth goals into 2023.
This is the time. There has never been a more amazing and opportunity-rich time for women in tech. Ever.
That means: there has never been a more amazing and opportunity-rich time for YOU.
YOU are in high demand.

YOU have awesome opportunities right now.

But, here is the catch – and one too many women in tech attempt to ignore – how you interview for a position – how you show up, what you expect, what you accept – is how you’ll experience your career.

And the results in the tech industry show us that far too many of women in tech are expecting too little and accepting way too much nonsense … as early as the interviewing process.
I know it because I did it. And many of the women who come onto discovery calls with me each week are doing it. And the responses from men and women on this LinkedIn post (and in my inbox) confirm it.

Y’all. There are companies out there putting experienced, skilled candidates through five, eight, twelve, fifteen, and MORE interview cycles. Companies so piss-poor at making decisions, horrific at being clear, terrible at staying in execution that they permit managers to “need” so many cycles to make a damn decision. Companies that disrespect candidate’s time, experience, skill, and value from the very first step.

Then those very same candidates that suffered through the interview process say they aren’t happy as employees working with intransparent processes and decisions that waffle between strategy and execution, missing accountability through it all, and working in full-on disrespect of their time, experience, skills, and value. 
It’s not a surprise. It was all there right at the start.
Sound familiar? It does to me.
I get it because I have done it. I let myself be let through a bizarre interview process and then suffered through the same behavior on every single decision while working there. My confidence plummeted, my behavior was awful, my quality dropped, and the rest of my life suffered.
It was horrible and all the red flags were there – clearly – in the interviewing process.
But I let myself be led rather than LEADING myself.
I’m sure this sounds very familiar. It does to many of my clients before they work with me.
But then they realize that there are companies and managers with clear, simple processes, making powerful decisions, and respecting their candidates and employees. In fact, there are many of them and they are hiring right now.
Both are true on the market and you can choose to only experience clear, decisive, respectful interview processes when you decide to lead yourself.
Celebrate BRAVE Podcast
You need three concrete, simple steps:
  1. Create Clarity: You are clear, transparent, informed, and decisive. You show up how you expect the interview process to run. You believe in yourself, your skills, expertise, and experience.
  2. Build Momentum: You expect and you accept only clear information, actions, and decisions. You pay attention, you learn, and you execute. You feel your feelings.
  3. Deepen Accountability: You choose your response ahead of time. You stay in your clarity and your momentum. You follow through to the natural consequence. You take the action that serves you. 
These steps work. All of my clients do this work.
All of them work to create clarity and believe in themselves just a little bit more each week, to show up how they expect others to show, and to make powerful decisions,
All of them build momentum to move through their careers like the valuable women in tech they are. All of them receive offers, negotiate them, and accept the best fit.

All of them deepen their accountability and learn to take action that serves them 

In 2021 alone, my clients:

  • received multiple mid-six figure offers
  • accepted her first ever executive role
  • created an internal promotion with more than 10% salary increase
  • turned around a PIP, received multiple company-internal offers, and is already thriving in her new role
If you’re ready to be like my clients then become my client.
Start with a 60-minute discovery call. We spend 60 minutes going deep into where you are right now and where you want to be in six months.
We work together for six months. We have weekly, 60-minute calls designed to ensure you build your clarity, momentum, and accountability.  As we work together, you earn more, create new career opportunities, and become happier as a woman in tech.
I’m super jazzed to be a part of your success story, schedule today. 

Ready to thrive as a woman in tech?

You can earn more money, create more opportunity, and stop being so damn unhappy.

I can help. Schedule your consult to learn how.