Celebrate BRAVE Podcast

Together we are redefining BRAVE:

how we identify | how we live it | how we celebrate it


Episode Description

    Mindset shift is demanded: interviewing is now a shared, collaborative experience that you lead. No longer do you wait and follow along with zero (or minimal) agency

    A story about how a client spent 8 hours interviewing for a job at her “dream company” and still there was no end in sight. 

    3 steps of how you can lead your interview process to take control, get answers, and make an empowered decision. 

    How you are treated during the interview process, how HR behaves during these conversations, how your potential manager or team members are conducting the interviews, is what you can expect when you start working there. Do those behaviors work for you?

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    An interview process is a 2-way conversation 

    I believe very, very strongly that we all need to remember that we are creating value for these tech companies and that value needs to be falling right back to us as individuals, as groups and as a society. So I actually think the great resignation is a great thing for the individuals and also for the leaders of these tech organizations and industries that haven’t been doing the right things often enough.

    Working for your dream company might not be right for you

    You have to believe in your worth and your value. You have to deeply, fully and completely believe. And then you got to act like it’s true. This client of mine, when she came to me, she was not in belief. The belief was at this dream company this, oh, if I could be so lucky and we had to shift that to wherever I work, that’s going to be my dream company. And they are so lucky. And so am I. It’s that belief that your time, your experience, your skills, your lived experience has value. And that’s where you’ve got to start. 

    When you believe in you

    Clarity. Why is that so important? Because you are your advocate. You are your only advocate. And you believe back to number one, you believe in your worth in your value, and in how you should be treated.

    Step away when you are feeling disrespected

    And when you have your clarity, which by the way, a lack of clarity is also clarity. You have to act on that. You lead your interview process. So if you feel disrespected, you feel put upon you feel you’re going in circles. You’re not getting the clarity. You’re getting yanked. Guess what? You get to speak up and say, this is my experience. This is how I’m experiencing. I’m feeling disrespected. I’m feeling put upon. I’m not getting the clarity that I need. And then in this situation, you withdrawal.

    If you are mistreated during the interview, how do you think working there is going to be?

    Because of how a company interviews, how a team interviews, how a manager interviews, how HR slash recruiting behaves during the interview process. That is exactly what you’re going to experience when you work there. That is exactly what you are going to experience when you work there. So, it is up to you to lead the interview process. And it is up to you to pull the consequences if it isn’t going the way you expect. 



    Build your Brave framework:

    Tell it to your dentist

    Experience it like a kindergartner

    Own it like a boss 

    For more information on how you can Build your BRAVE:





    Discover how you live your BRAVE today and how you can build your BRAVE for tomorrow.

    Do the QUIZ


    Meet Your Host

    Nicole Trick Steinbach

    Nicole Trick Steinbach

    Nicole lives the skill of bravery and the joy of failure while inspiring others to find their BRAVE to do the same.

    Before stepping into her genius as the international BRAVE coach, she grew up in a struggling single-parent family and overcame a speech impediment. Today she has over 20 years in technology including global executive roles, is bilingual, and has a track record of coaching and advising all levels of professionals in over 25 countries. 

    She supports each person to build their own bravery so that they can turn dreams into reality: landing executive roles, pursuing international careers, doubling their income, and thriving in their chosen career.

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