Celebrate BRAVE Podcast

Together we are redefining BRAVE:

how we identify | how we live it | how we celebrate it


Episode Description

    Are you trying to catch up to others or are you blazing the path for you, knowing the world is gonna catch up to you? In this episode, Marcae blows Nicole’s mind about how she is not waiting to ‘see it to believe it’ but is ‘believing it to become it.’ 

    Marcae has worked in six different industries and uses her experiences to help pull others like her up through the ranks. She shares her experience creating a network, building your credibility, being open to mentoring and sponsorship, and always believing into an ever better version of herself.

    Marcae issues us a call to action: be more visible, help up others, and believe in your success. 

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    Let the world catch up to you

    Marcae shares how she has a vision and she isn’t waiting to see someone else reach her goal first, nor is she waiting for someone else to grant her her goal either. Instead, she says, “Let the world catch up” 

    Spoiler: She reached her goal less than one quarter after recording this episode. 

    The difference between sponsoring and mentoring

    A mentor is someone that has been there and can share their experience with you, from what worked with them. A mentor has already been where you are. Sponsorship in mentoring on fire. A sponsor helps you get into the rooms, opportunities, and positions that you cannot get into yourself as easily. Having both is so important to career goals.

    Get the clarity you need, have a vision, get into action and have a timeline

    Every single person needs to start with their vision, get clear about what you want. Then you need a timeline so that you stay effective. You also need your personal (Career) Board of Directors.  You have to gauge yourself and measure yourself so that you actually reach your goal, with support from other.

    Believe in yourself and let others help and create your own opportunities

    Can you say like, Marcae, “I believe in my talent. You know the rest of it is just learning, filling in the gap, taking the test. And then letting people see that you can do it so that you think and open the door. And if they don’t open the door for me, think outside the box and find another way in.”  If not, get to work. 

    Women in tech need to be more visible 

    Women in tech need to become even more visible and support each other even more. We need to pull each other up, do what we can to share the experience, skill, connection. Together we can make sure that we have more women like ourselves in the field. We also need to see more of them on boards in the boardroom to help affect key decisions making and you know, in the community. So I think more involvement and engagement overall is where I can see because we’re on the job and we’re in our position, but we don’t get to see them.


    Marcae Bryant-Omosor

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcae-bryant-omosor-gcb-d-46b485162/

    Her Non-Profit: https://cyberbytzsleadexecs.org/


    Related Episodes:

    Career Board of Directors

    You Build Your Career: No Prince Charmings

    Are you Underpaid, Overworked or Underinvested as a Women in Tech?

    The Value of a Coach


    For more information on how you can Build your BRAVE:





    Discover how you live your BRAVE today and how you can build your BRAVE for tomorrow.

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    Meet Your Host

    Nicole Trick Steinbach

    Nicole Trick Steinbach

    Nicole lives the skill of bravery and the joy of failure while inspiring others to find their BRAVE to do the same.

    Before stepping into her genius as the international BRAVE coach, she grew up in a struggling single-parent family and overcame a speech impediment. Today she has over 20 years in technology including global executive roles, is bilingual, and has a track record of coaching and advising all levels of professionals in over 25 countries. 

    She supports each person to build their own bravery so that they can turn dreams into reality: landing executive roles, pursuing international careers, doubling their income, and thriving in their chosen career.

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